Use Cases-Based Requirements Engineering Tool

The use cases model is used to capture requirements. The use case model is a part of UML (Unified Modeling Language), a standardized design notation for the design and development of object-oriented software. Its simplicity in terms of notations and expressiveness makes it easier to use both by customers and developers.

This article describes the development of a tool that helps writing use case based requirements document. The structure of the document is chosen to be somewhat similar to the one recommended by IEEE for requirements specifications. The aim of this project is to develop a simple and easy-to-use requirements tool. This use cases-based requirements engineering tool has the following features:

  • Easy-to-use GUI. Every item in the document is entered through dialog boxes and formatting of the final document is done by the tool.
  • Most entries are validated while entering.
  • The tool uses XML to store use case narratives and hence it is relatively easier to process the requirements using another tool.
  • Use case diagrams can be embedded into the document.

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